We shall have opportunity to test our commitment to these principles of the gospel (voting)

Elder Marion G. Romney on Voting

“I bear you my solemn witness that these principles are true and that they are ever operating in our lives. I hear further witness to what you and I both know, and that is, that if we would benefit from these principles and be on the way to eternal life, we must put them into practice now in our daily lives. We must be guided by them in our temporal as well as in spiritual affairs, in the voting booth as well as in our churches. On election day… we shall have opportunity to test our commitment to these principles of the gospel.

“If on that day, in the privacy of the voting booth, we so exercise our franchise as to satisfy ourselves and please our God, we shall have made a decision calculated to preserve our free agency and expand the area in which we can exercise it in the future.

“And finally, when the issues are determined, whether we stand with the winners or the losers, of this we may be sure: To make the proper choice on any issue is of far more importance to us personally than is the immediate outcome of the issue upon which we make a decision. The choices we make will affect the scope of our agency in the future. As of now, we have the right of decision. What we will have tomorrow depends upon how we decide today. In conclusion, I put to you the question and the admonition given by Elijah to Israel:

“’How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him.” (1 Kings 18:21.)

“God grant us discernment and the courage to make right decisions”

(Elder Marion G. Romney. General Conference, October 1968.)

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One Response to “We shall have opportunity to test our commitment to these principles of the gospel (voting)”

  • Avatar for Blog Johnny Chadwick Says:

    I hope and pray each day that the citizens of this chosen land will awaken to the very real danger that is upon us; worse than any we have seen in our history.

    This danger is from within our citizenry and the people who have unwisely elected into searts of leadership of our cities, counties and national government.

    Our Church; collectively as well as each individual Member should be willing to learn what the Constitution is, how it came to be and the terrible price paid for this Nation’s liberty throughout the centuries.

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